our plann . ! (:

10:35 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
our plan is to do a bullying video ;
including scenes/ senarios where people are bullyed and how they can be helpedd.

one : via techology = renee
two : physical = adengg
three : threats = gabriella

helpping ;

one: telling the teacher and involving the police
two : telling the teacher
three : teacher & police

rebeeeee , (:

wish us luckk !


1:27 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
What are Storyboards?

1. Storyboard is a sequence of still pictures deliberately arranged to represent the events of a story which will be filmed.
2. A storyboard acts as a preview and as a visual script for camera angles for lighting, camera and most importantly the narrative development and continuity.

3. What are 2 problems that could be encountered if a storyboard is absent from a script ?
Because the script would be in written form only there would be a danger of misunderstanding the descriptions or film terms.
There could be language differences. Pictures are the International story language.

4. What is the name of the main type of storyboard?

Production Storyboard.
5. What is a Conceptual Sheet or Painting storyboard?
This is only a sequence of images, much like a photo-essay. The purpose of this is simply to communicate the visual style of the film.

6. Who are TV storyboards produced for ?

These are produced for the filiming people - who would be filiming the movie and also for the directors and actors .
7. The story which is told in a film is broken down into narrative elements which are
Film Conventions

8. If a film is filmed in real time it would be tedious and time-consuming so what is done to make it more interesting?
To condense this and inject interest, the plot is broken down further into important events or situations

9. What are these called?
10. These are categorised as ....
Atmospheric, Narrative and Critical
11. When are Establishing or Long Shot ( LS) used in filming?
generally used to establish a scene's setting or atmosphere. Obviously then this shot could be employed for events 1, 2 and 9 in the example above.

12. Mid -Shot. (MS) are used to focus on...
This shot usually extends (on a person) from the foot to the head.
13. What si the difference in using High Camera Angle (HCA) compared to
Low Camera Angle (LCA) ?
In the high camera angle, the camera is higher than eye level, looking down -this viewpoint can diminish a subject or give a panorama, while the low camera angle is situated, lower than eye level looking up. This can make a subject monumental, or the character feel small in a tall environment

14. How do you start a storyboard?
Write a Synopsis of the plot (narrative) of the film.

15. What is the next step in creating the storyboard?
Break up the plot into Moments and Scenes, then Shots.

16.. Pencilling in in the scenes and shots is the next step.
17.What is involved in Analysing the scenes?
Look for Mise-en-Scene, Montage, or Camera Angle shots required to enhance a scene.

18. What does Flesh out the Draft mean?
Use drawings, Clip Art or Digital photos and add more detail to the shot description and SFX panels.


Video Characteristics :D

12:44 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
okay, so this task required me to upload a video that was on the StudentNet onto my computer and then import it onto Window's Movie Maker and save it in different file versions and then compare the quality of the videos . && LET ME TELL YAAHH, the difference of the files after the original was SO BAD & BURLY :L

so i had to do a tablee... this is the screen shot of the questions and tables i had to fil ;
here it is, including my answers .. OOHH LA LA


yeaahh... i knoe u cant reaad --"
so; i filled in the boxes and now i have to answer some questions;
1. out of the two videos, i saw very little differences.. however there was an immense difference between the original video and the two videos. However, the difference between the two videos are that the 38kbps was a LITTLE clearer. but the two videoes were so burrly !!
2. ehh.. i ansswerd the question in the the question above ..

how ii made my video on audicity !!

12:29 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
so, i finally decided to tewll ALL you beautiful people about how i made my ringtone-video .
its MAD AAY ?!
i rekon !!
psssshhhh.. i know im good .
theres NO need to keep tellingg mee ! :P
LOL; im just playing aroundd; being the usual loser than i am


1. i downloaded Audacity ( and this TOOK AGES ! & IT WAS HARD :( ) .. but luckily i had the beautiful mr.lennon's help .. LOLcakes
2. i imported a song that i wanted, " Bobbidi Bibbidi Boo " from the soundtrack of Cinderella 2. LOL I'm still a little kid inside . :D
3. i did some spesh effects and ect . Christle & myself started singing - badly i might add - (LOL) and yada yadaa , ( yadda yadda = effects and the other shenanigans )
4. export it (save) the whole and finsihed file as an MP3.
5. i, then uploaded it onto the Windows Movie Maker and imported the newly remixed version of " Bobbidi Bibbidi Boo " and then imported a wide range of photos with my friends and others to "match" with the songg ... ( or i attempted to do so , ) and then added some effects to make the transitions of the photos to the song onto the clip .
6. after i was satisfied with my beautiful clip , i saved it and as soon as it was completed ,
i uploaded the magical video onto my blogger ( & THAT TOOK AGES ) and then ... i was COMPLETEDD !

& now; here i am , explaining the transaction for you, my beloved fans , that help me keep this "blogger" alive ..
LOL i sound like im going to die soon .

i ♥ you .
xoxo. renee .