aw MAN !i lost my old blog post from yesterdaay !
i almost finished and now i have to start over ! :((
Software Development ;;
this flowchart shows the process of creating or developing a software.
it is a brief and simple flowchart that does not consist of many steps or detail of what to do precisely but includes the main steps, for example, designing and then coding.
as shown in the flowchart, the first step in developing a software, you need to start by designing the program and then coding it. After, test it - if there are errors; check the design, and if there is a problem-redesign it, but if there isnt a problem in designing it, then try coding it again. However, if the software does not show any faults then the software is a success and you dont need to do anything else !
this flowchart shows what to print out in terms of the temperature :)
start by, reading the temperature and then seeing if it is under 32oC, if it is, follow the arrow that points to yes and it tells you to print off "Below Freezing". However, if it is over, follow onto the arrow head that says no and print off "Above freezing". and after, it is completed ! :) This flowchart is fairly simply and easy to interpret.
Flowchart of a one second response to a switch.
this flowchart shows how to turn on and off a switch ! (WOW!)
first check if the switch is on or off, if it is on - continue, if not, go back and turn it on.
after it is on, turn on the LCD and start the timer and see if one second has expired, if it has then continue to turn the LCD off, however if one second has not expired then go back and do it again and make sure it expires.
After you have reseted the timer again, it is finishedd !! :)
filling up the bathtubb